Dental Implants

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Dental Implants



The loss of teeth is considered one of the serious problems we face. Extracting and losing teeth results in a deficiency in oral function and the inability to perform tasks such as chewing food. Therefore, dental implantation has emerged as a solution to all dental problems, compensating for what has been lost. The shortage of teeth in the mouth leads to serious problems that affect the body as a whole, such as digestive and excretory disorders, obesity, bad breath, stomach, intestine, and gallbladder diseases. When you lose one of your teeth, it not only affects the beauty of your smile but is sometimes associated with complications that negatively impact your ability to eat and speak comfortably, depending on the location of the missing teeth. So, if you have lost one or more of your teeth and are looking for an effective solution to treat your teeth and give yourself a charming smile, you should seriously consider undergoing dental implantation.

Dental Implants: are a cosmetic surgical procedure used to replace missing teeth with fixed and permanent artificial teeth. This process involves implanting artificial tooth roots into the jaw and securing dental prosthetics on them, providing a natural smile and complete teeth without any gaps or losses.

What is dental implantation at Denteva Clinic?

Dental implantation is a surgical procedure aimed at replacing missing teeth with artificial teeth known as dental implants. It is considered one of the modern techniques in dentistry and has proven effectiveness and success in restoring the function and natural appearance of lost teeth.

The dental implantation process involves several steps. Initially, the patient's oral condition is evaluated, and necessary examinations are conducted to ensure suitability for the procedure. Then, surgery is performed to place the implants into the jawbone. Suitable bones for dental implants are those capable of bearing the implant and are strong enough.

After the surgery, the patient needs a recovery period, usually ranging from several weeks to three months, during which the implant integrates with the surrounding bone in a process called osseointegration. Once the implant has successfully fused with the bone, dental attachments are placed on the implant. These attachments are what support the artificial teeth.

Dental implantation offers numerous benefits. It helps restore the natural function of missing teeth, such as chewing, biting, and speaking. Additionally, it contributes to improving the aesthetic appearance of the mouth and face, and helps preserve the surrounding jawbone from deterioration and shrinkage.

Nevertheless, each case must be individually assessed, and consultation with a specialized dentist is necessary to determine whether dental implantation is suitable for the patient and what specific steps are appropriate for their particular condition.

What are the benefits of dental implants?

Dental implants offer numerous benefits for people suffering from tooth loss, among the most important and prominent of which are:

1.Restoring Dental Function: Dental implants restore the ability to chew and grind food properly, allowing patients to enjoy a better eating experience and explore various culinary delights.

2.Enhancing Aesthetic Appearance: Dental implants fill the gaps resulting from tooth loss, leading to an overall improvement in the appearance of the mouth and face. This contributes to restoring self-confidence and the ability to smile beautifully.

3.Preserving Bone and Facial Support: Tooth loss leads to a recession of the bones surrounding the jaw, impacting facial structure and facial support. Dental implants help preserve bone density and maintain facial structure.

4.Comfort and Stability: Compared to traditional removable appliances like dentures, dental implants offer superior comfort and stability. They are permanently anchored in the jaw and function like natural teeth, allowing for natural speech and chewing.

5.Preserving Healthy Teeth: In the case of traditional bridges, replacing missing teeth may require shaving and preparing adjacent healthy teeth. However, with dental implants, there is no need to intervene with healthy teeth, preserving their health and integrity.

It's important to note that the benefits of dental implants may vary from person to person and are influenced by individual and overall health conditions. Therefore, we always recommend consulting a specialized dentist after the procedure. This consultation allows the dentist to assess the patient's condition and determine the specific benefits tailored to maintain their oral health.


What are the necessary procedures to ensure the success of the dental implant?

After dental implant surgery, there are necessary care procedures that should be followed to assist in wound healing and enhance the success of the implant. Let's outline some general guidelines for post-dental implant care:

1. Rest and General Measures:

-It is essential to take adequate rest and allow the body sufficient time to heal after the surgery and implantation.

-Avoid strenuous physical activities and vigorous movements that may impact the implanted area.

-Refrain from biting, extreme temperature fluctuations, and avoid hot or extremely cold beverages.


2. Anesthesia and Pain:

-It is essential to follow the doctor's instructions regarding the use of pain medications to alleviate discomfort after surgery.

-Using ice or cold compresses on the face during the first few days is recommended to reduce swelling and pain.


3. Oral Hygiene:

-Pay attention to good oral hygiene. It is advisable to use a soft toothbrush to clean the teeth adjacent to the implant carefully without affecting it.

-We always recommend not cleaning the implanted area directly in the first few days due to wound healing. However, we follow the doctor's instructions regarding the use of mouthwash solutions.


4. Food and Nutrition:

-Consume soft and nutritious foods that require less chewing, such as soups, yogurts, and soft juices.

-Avoid hard and sticky foods that can get stuck in the implanted area and cause discomfort.



5. General Health and Follow-up:

-It is essential to follow the doctor's instructions regarding prescribed medications after surgery, such as antibiotics or pain relievers.

-It is advisable to schedule follow-up visits with the doctor for continuous examination and confirmation of wound healing to ensure the success of the implantation process naturally.